Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (AT) is defined as "any item, piece of  equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of a student with a disability."
Individuals With Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) 2014

In plain language, AT assists students with disabilities to increase their overall capacity to work, accomplish specific tasks or participate in activities that otherwise would be difficult or impossible.

When Should We Consider AT? Who Can Help? 
IDEA states that Assistive Technology MUST be considered at each and every IEP Meeting.

IEP Consideration Flowchart
IEP Consideration Form (Make a Copy to fill on computer)
IFSP (Early Childhood) Consideration Flowchart
IFSP (Early Childhood) Consideration Form (Make a Copy)
Sonia Hammill                                        Jenny Groess 
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RRSEC Occupational Therapist                  RRSEC P/HD Teacher

We have created a form that will start the Assistive Technology referral process. Press the button to fill out the form.
Big Red Button with the word help written on it.
Links and Forms 
 Student, Environment, Tasks, and Tools (or SETT) is a four part method for collaborative decision making in AT. Use this fillable PDF form to get started. There is also the Quick SETT form for a faster representation of the same method.

Accommodations, Modifications, AT--Which One Is It?

This short article describes the difference between the alterations to student learning and gives examples of each.

MDE Assistive Technology Link
MDE AT Manual

Infinitec--your district must be a member to participate in the many training videos that Infinitec offers. They have a great Assistive Technology section of videos that will train your special ed staff on all things AT. RRSEC offers full access to Infinitec to its member districts. Please reach out to the Director of Special Education if you are interested.

Lending Libraries
Lending Libraries are a great way for IEP teams to get AT equipment quickly and economically. Many things can be on loan for free or very reasonably priced. Not all AT needs are permanent for schools so borrowing items of need is much more practical.
Simon Technology Center Library Link

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