Help Me Grow is a completely free resource for parents of children from birth to age 6. The website has a wealth of information for parents curious about the development of their child. Maybe you're wondering if your child's development is on-track, what resources are available to help your child learn, what developmental milestones typically occur at each age in early childhood, or if your child might need extra help to learn and grow. Help Me Grow is here to answer these types of questions.
If you suspect that your child, or a child you know, may not be on track, you can also refer that child to the local school district from the Help Me Grow website, or by calling 1-866-693-GROW (4769). They would then contact the family to complete a free screening or evaluation. If delays are noticed, and the child is found eligible, then that child is entitled to early intervention services at no cost to the family.
All services are free, regardless of income or immigration status
Get more information on...
Developmental Milestones
What parents can do to encourage healthy development
Get real help for a child that could be struggling
Information on screening
When, why and how to refer a child