Services Info

Audiology Icon: A drawn ear with what looks like a heartbeat rhythm line over the top of the drawing
Educational Audiologists deliver a full spectrum of hearing services to all children, particularly those in educational settings. Audiologists are trained to diagnose, manage and treat hearing and balance problems. Educational audiologists provide evidence for needed services and technology, emphasize access skills and supports, counsel children to promote personal responsibility and self-advocacy, maintain student performance levels, collaborate with private sector audiologists, help student transitions and team with other school professions to work most effectively to facilitate student learning.
 Blind & Visually Impaired
BVI Icon of the outline of an eye
The Teacher of the Visually Impaired works as a team member with students, families, and teachers to implement individual education plans for each student's educational process from birth to age 21 or high school graduation. Learners who are blind or visually impaired have unique educational needs. The goal is to help these students to reach their academic potential within the regular education setting given accommodations, tools, and instruction to allow access to visual information. The vision program facilitates student literacy, organizational and functional skills, and safe independent travel in all educational settings.
A DAPE icon of a person in a wheel chair shooting a basket
DAPE is a specially designed set physical activity lessons for students with special needs. The DAPE teacher is a direct service provider, not a related service provider, because special physical education is a federally mandated component of special education services [U.S.C.A. 1402 (25)]. This means that adapted PE needs to be provided to the student with a disability as part of the child's special education. This is contrasted with physical therapy and occupational therapy, which are related services. These therapies are provided to the child with disabilities only if he/she needs them to benefit from instruction.
Two signing hands making glasses
 Deaf-blindness is a part of the Minnesota Low Incidence Project and describes a person who has acute or severe loss of both hearing and sight. This can have implications pertaining to communication as well as education. Below is a collection of websites that should prove helpful in reaching those with this circumstance.
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
An ear outlined in black with repeated curved lines that get longer as they move away
The Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) are available to each district to provide quality instruction and support for students ages birth to 21 who are deaf or hard of hearing. The Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing act as consultants to local school district personnel and hearing peers. The Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing also provide services throughout the assessment process, provide direct and indirect educational services, lead workshops regarding hearing and its educational impact, and provide support/guidance specific to assistive technology and FM systems. The Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing are here to support families, school staff, and students all the way through their hearing loss journey. 
 Developmental Cognitive Disorders  Click those words to the left for a general list of helpful resources for DCD teachers.
 Occupational Therapy
The OT icon is a larger all black hand with a smaller white hand overlaid on top.
Occupational Therapists act as related-service team members in the evaluation, plan development and program implementation process for children from birth until age 21. Occupational therapists assist to develop therapeutic strategies that are specific to the student's unique educational needs. These strategies support the student's program and maximize the student's optimal performance. The OT's role within the educational setting includes providing consultative services, program supports and recommendations to parents, teachers and administrators in the areas of fine and gross motor development, perceptual motor skills, self-help skills, self-regulation strategies and the use of adaptive equipment to develop and promote independence throughout the school day.
 Other Health Disabilities
Clipart of an all black heart with one hand hovering over the top coming in from the left and another hand underneath coming in from the right
Other Health Disabilities (OHD) is defined as a wild range of chronic or acute health conditions that may be either congenital or acquired. These health concerns may be mild or sever, progressive and or have symptoms that vary in intensity from day to day. Medications, treatments, therapies, and repeated hospitalizations for a range of chronic or acute health conditions can affect a student's ability to learn and function at school. A student with a chronic health condition may be considered for special education under the OHD category if eligibility criteria are met (MR 3525.1333)
 Physical Therapy
A stick person walking up stairs
In the educational setting, the physical therapist acts as a related-service team member to support those students who have a motor impairment that impacts a student's access to their educational program. The physical therapist assists the team in the evaluation, IEP/IFSP plan development, and program implementation for students ages birth to 21. The PT consults with team members to assist with the achievement of adaptations and accommodations in the areas of gross and fine motor development, mobility, positioning, transfers, strength, endurance, and range of motion. The PT works closely with the special education case manager, paraprofessionals, and DAPE teachers to identify motor activities that are developmentally appropriate and safe for the student and staff. PT's also monitor equipment for fit and safety and assists in development of emergency evacuation protocols.
Physically Impaired
PI Icon of a stick figure in a wheel chair
Physically Impaired (PI) is a low incidence disability area that is represented by approximately 1% of all students in Minnesota receiving special education services. PI is defined as a medically diagnosed, chronic physical impairment - either congenital or acquired - that may adversely affect physical or academic functioning and result in the need for special education and related services (MN Rule 3525.1337). 
 School Psychology
The symbol for psychology is the Greek letter psi and it looks like a pitchfork
 The school psychologists' role is to assist staff in establishing and conducting mainstream intervention activities. Activities may include the following: review of student records, consultation with students, teachers and parents, assisting in development and implementation of positive behavioral intervention strategies including functional behavioral assessments (FBAs). For students birth to 21, the school psychologist participates in evaluation and reevaluation activities to determine a student's special education needs.
 Severely Multiple Impairment  Click those words to the left for a general list of helpful resources for SMI teachers.
 Specific Leaning Disabilities  
Traumatic Brain Injury
A silhouette of a bandaged head
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a low incidence special education category that is defined as an injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability that could also include psycho-social impairment. The injury may adversely affect a student's performance and result in the need for special education and related services. The term does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative, or brain injuries induced by birth trauma. (MN Rule 3525.1348)

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