Physical/Health Disabilities (PHD)
The Physical Health and Disabilities teacher is a licensed teacher who provides assessment and consultation for students who have a broad range of medically diagnosed chronic or acute health conditions including traumatic brain injuries. These conditions affect physical functioning and impact school performance, resulting in the need for special education and related services, including Assistive Technology needs.
Resources, Manuals & Links in these specific areas
Physical Impairment
2018 Edition PI Manual
MN Low Incidence PI
MDE Link to PI
Physically Impaired (PI) is a low incidence disability area that is represented by approximately 1% of all students in Minnesota receiving special education services. PI is defined as a medically diagnosed, chronic physical impairment - either congenital or acquired - that may adversely affect physical or academic functioning and result in the need for special education and related services (MN Rule 3525.1337). |
Other Health Disabilities

Revised 2019 OHD Manual
MDE Link to OHD
Other Health Disabilities (OHD) is defined as a wild range of chronic or acute health conditions that may be either congenital or acquired. These health concerns may be mild or sever, progressive and or have symptoms that vary in intensity from day to day. Medications, treatments, therapies, and repeated hospitalizations for a range of chronic or acute health conditions can affect a student's ability to learn and function at school. A student with a chronic health condition may be considered for special education under the OHD category if eligibility criteria are met (MR 3525.1333) |
Traumatic Brain Injury

Revised 2013 TBI Manual
TBI Checklist
MDE Link to TBI
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a low incidence special education category that is defined as an injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability that could also include psycho-social impairment. The injury may adversely affect a student's performance and result in the need for special education and related services. The term does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative, or brain injuries induced by birth trauma. (MN Rule 3525.1348) |
Resources for all Physical Health Disabilities