Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI)

Learners who are blind or visually impaired have unique educational needs. The goal is to help these students to reach their academic potential within the regular education setting given accommodations, tools, and instruction to allow access to visual information. The vision program facilitates student literacy, organizational and functional skills, and safe independent travel in all educational settings.The Teacher of the Visually Impaired works as a team member with students, families, and teachers to implement individual education plans for each student's educational process from birth to age 21 or high school graduation.

A child's hands on a braille book

Educator Resources   Parent Resources

Free training for General Education teachers on Visual Impairment
PathsToLiteracy - a great website devoted to literacy for the blind and VI.
Active Learning Space
MDE Link to BVI
Balls and Balloons - A parent's resource as she navigates having a child with VI
Cerebral Visual Impairment - Perkins 
Cerebral Visual Impairment - Little Bear Sees 
American Council of the Blind -Extensive list of Organizations, Publications and Toys for BVI children
Teaching Visually Impaired - Parent Resource Page
American Printing House
Strategy to See

 Transition for BVI  General BVI Resources

MN State Service for the Blind
Lighthouse Center for the Visually Impaired

Common Eye Report Abbreviations - Just get a report? Trouble decoding the abbrev? Click this link!
Common Eye Conditions
Free Books - Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Free Books- Seedings
Free Books - American Action Fund
Pathways to Literacy - Braille activities for sighted learners

Our BVI team has collected a lot of great ideas in this ironic visual collection of BVI ideas.
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