Occupational Therapy

...Skills for the job of being a child...
The Occupational Therapist in the school setting supports the child's abilities to perform in the educational environments with focus on supporting student growth in academics, play and leisure, social participation, self-care skills (Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)), and transition/work skills. A combination of services are used to help meet the student's needs although emphasis is placed on instructing others in the school so that interventions are incorporated naturally into the school routines; providing frequent practice and repetition. The OT’s expertise includes activity and environmental analysis and modification with a goal of reducing the barriers to participation.

A girl jumping rope  A clipart of a cute baby on all fours with a diaper  A clipart of a boy on his belly holding a pencil and looking at papers  Clipart of a dancing girl with outstretched arms in a pink tutu and tights  Clipart of a boy waving with one hand and a soccer ball in the other

 Links and Resources Meet Our OTs


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